When it is really important, don’t use Google. For anything.
When it is really important, don’t use Google. For anything.
The camel’s nose got into the tent quite a while back, and the rest of the camel is proving to be really hard to keep out.
Got another notice from the FFFoF bunch (Klout) today, whining about not being able to get more information on me for a while.
Last week, I decided to go ahead and upgrade the OS on my iMac to “Mountain Lion,” primarily because I was contemplating using the iMac for some video editing, and Final Cut Pro recommended that I upgrade Read more […]
I am currently playing 2nd violin with the New Texas Symphony Orchestra, where I was accepted last May. They are an interesting bunch of very talented musicians, and the director (Cathy Brown) consistently Read more […]
It feels a bit like the “Flying Fickle Finger of Fate” award.
Last Friday, I accepted a local contract position, and signed the paperwork. Now my phone is boiling off the hook, and nearly 50% of all of my inbound email is from recruiters. I’ve gotten more calls and emails from recruiters this week than I got in the previous six.